Batman has one of the greatest rogues galleries of all time, and we love him for it. They say a hero can only be as good as their villains, but I always thought his best stories were the ones that revolved around his supporting cast, the Bat-Family. His supporting cast makes almost every other comic character green with envy (or was that due to Poison Ivy…)
To show the love we have of Batman and his family, we are bringing you a 6 piece 11×17″ set with all of his greatest supporting characters. Each one combines into one giant mural to hang on your wall.
- Huntress and Nightwing
- Batman and Catwoman
- Robin (Tim Drake) and Batgirl (Barbara Gordon)
- Batgirl (Cassandra Cain) and Batwoman (Kate Kane)
- Superboy and Robin (Damian Wayne)
- Jim Gordon and Red Hood
These are not sold individually, must be purchased as a set.